This is a real incident that happened to me while I was going to Hyderabad last week in Kacheguda express.
                I was leaving to my native to attend a function; it was a last minute decision to go. I never wanted to go since every single person in my relative would be poking at my nose by asking me what I had been doing after my Engineering; for which I had no answer. It has been over 6 months since I completed my Engineering and I have been staying in home ever since, it’s not that I haven’t made an effort, since I had arrears it was really hard to get a decent job. Literally I would be thrown out of every single interview in the first round when they found out about my arrears. After getting gently thrown out of every single interview, I stopped attending any not to kill my confidence anymore.
                I was sitting beside the window and admiring the beauty of the nature. Sometimes sitting alone in a fast paced train on a cool evening is the best thing in this world. You forget all your problems and step into another world which is far better than the one we are in.
               Two hours passed in no time and now the train halted in Renigunta station. I took my bag and decided to eat the dinner which my mother packed for me (It happens in most of the families people still pack you food).  Mom packed me lemon rice and I thought of buying something for side-dish. A small boy stepped inside the compartment and came beside me; he was selling “Vadai”. I stopped him and asked him to give me two ‘vadais’. He gave me and I gave him money but I stopped him again out of my curiosity. The boy looked too young and I guessed he must be studying 5th or 6th grade.

(The whole conversation took place in Telugu, will translate it to English for reader’s convenience)

Me - You look too young? Do you go to school?
Boy - The boy did not answer, he just nodded his head.
Me - Then what are you doing here by selling these?
Boy- I do it to support my studies.
Me - Your parents won’t give you money?
Boy- I pay it for my school fees.

               I was amazed by this little boy in-front of me. He was studying at the same time he earned to pay his school fees too. I was really inspired by this kid and I wanted to do something for him.

Me – How much is your school fee?
Boy- Rs. 100 for a month.

                I took out my wallet and saw; I had 400 Rs with me. I gave him 300 Rs, thinking that I would keep the 100 for myself so that I could take an auto the next day when I reach the station (this is what my studies taught me, to be pre-planned and think about myself first). Initially he did not accept the money that I offered but when I insisted that it’s for his studies he took with a bit of hesitation but after that he sat beside me and spoke for about ten minutes. He told me about where he lives, in which school he studies and how much he earns daily, how many hardships he had to face daily to go to school.  I was getting emotional by what he was telling and then I told him about myself, my ambitions- how I failed many times to become a writer and all other things which I do. He listened to me and then he told me that he was about to leave. He stood up came beside me and hugged me and thanked me for the money.
                I felt happy that I helped someone who deserved. I decided to eat my dinner after the train started. I sat still and was thinking of that small boy and how he never left studies though everything was against him but on the hind side I had every facility but still I failed in my academics. I felt bad at myself.
                After few minutes, the boy came running beside me, he was breathless. I asked him what had happened. He was breathing heavily and did not talk. After few seconds, he came close to me and said,

Boy- Brother, this is for you.
          He gave me a book. I was shocked. I was speechless. I never expected this kind of act. I did not speak anything.

Boy- My friend owns a book shop and I thought that this is the best gift I can give you.
          His words pierced me. I was forced to shed a tear but I controlled myself.

Boy- Brother, I hope someday I would be privileged to read your books.
         Now there was no way that I could control myself. I stood up and hugged him. I thought I helped him by giving money but his actions are no match to mine.
               The train started moving and he got down and waved me a good-bye. As soon as the train gained speed, I remembered that I forgot to ask his name. I sat and ate what I bought from him, reading the book which I would cherish forever.
               I finished my dinner and looked out through the window, it was dark outside, I realized that, the world which we live in is far better than the world which we imagine.
(This is the book which he gifted me)

               You don’t need to be rich to help, being HUMAN is just enough.



  1. Nice dude... Real happiness comes only when we do something useful... Continue your work....


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