Almost everything fades

We both sat beside each other and the bus started to move. It was one of those pleasant evenings that was tailor made for me to propose my girl. There couldn't be any other beautiful moment than this to express my love for her (infact every-time I say the same exact words). We both have been best friend for a couple of years now and I knew even she had feelings for me but there was still this damn hesitation that made me not to propose her.

For the past three months we had been travelling together but not once I had the courage to go and propose her. Few weeks back I made a promise to myself that, after the last exam of this semester I would go to her and tell my love. The time has come; we finished our last exam and got our bus to home.

A perfect evening, settling sun, cool breeze, not so crowded bus, with a girl sitting beside you- I slapped and told myself that there won’t be a chance better than this to propose and to start my love life.

As-usual she leaned forward and rested her forehead on the iron rod in-front and closed her eyes. The brownish gold rays from the sun made her face glow and I began to admire until the ticket collector disturbed me to buy the tickets. I gave the money for two tickets and continued to admire her.

I pushed myself back into my seat and took my right hand to her back and touched her hair. She turned to me in a jiffy and asked what am I doing with a smile.

“It’s so soft yaar” I said and continued “Do you mind touching it?”

She laughed at me and didn't say anything which meant a ‘Yes’, I thought. For the next hour or so I was playing with her hair. She leaned forward and rested her forehead on the iron rod and acted as if she had slept but whenever my fingers got tangled in her hair she used to smile with her eyes close. I knew she loved the way I was playing with her hair. Every time she smiled, I just admired her and felt happy that I was the reason behind her cute smile.

I held her hand and saw into her eyes. Those were the magical moments of my life which I would cherish forever. I took few deep breaths and finally I murmured those three magical words “I LOVE YOU”. She closed her face with her hands but I could see her smiling and there began a beautiful new love story to this world.


I held the offer letter which read 6 lakhs per annum at the end written in bold. I got into the bus and sat in a corner. The bus wasn’t much crowded since it wasn't those peak hours. I kept glaring at my offer letter until the ticket collector shook me and asked me where I was heading. I told my destination and asked for two tickets.

He looked around me for a while and asked me for whom the other ticket is; I looked beside me and there was no one. A tear drop slid down my cheek and I didn't utter a word. The ticket collector said something to himself and handed me two tickets.

People fade away but habits and memories won’t.


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