Afterall, hating ain't that bad

I haven't posted anything for a while. It’s partly because I’m busy with my own life and partly that I don’t feel like writing up stuff. Whenever I write up some mess and post it on my blogger space, people laugh and criticize me that I have gone nuts and I don’t have any other stuff to do than writing some useless crap. As a Human I feel bad and as a writer I feel terrible that my work is not given the due respect that it deserves.

Words really de-motivate you but on the hind sides words really built you. Few days back I met one of my school mates who follow all my writing. After my schooling I have never been in touch with her expect for few facebook chats. She said that she used to love all my writing and also it gave her lot of strength and support during her tough days. I just gave her a shy smile as I knew what she would be thinking at heart, coz I have many friends whose words sound sweet before me but at my back they become sour. I wasn’t giving much interest to her word; in the end she asked me, ‘Why I wasn’t writing any blogs off late?’ I just said that I lost my interest in writing without much interest in taking the conversation further.

My answer was like a mild shock to her since everyone who knew me knew that my ambition was to become a writer. ‘What happened to you? What happened to your dreams?’ She asked me. I stayed quiet; I was not able to answer her.

            I guess my silence answered her question that I was dejected and depressed. After few seconds I said, “I don’t find my writing appealing people, people think that I write shit and they don’t consider me as someone who is trying hard to prove something to this world.”
You write stuff which you like, it doesn’t mean that people around you understands that. People around you always want to pull you down for the only reason that they can’t climb up the ladder .People knew who you are but not the reason for the way you are; people read what you have written but not what you have gone through; people just knew your name not the story behind it. Always do remember, hating someone ain’t that bad, after all” She said and waved me a good-bye.

Sometimes you just do things because they need to be done. No matter how much it hurts you or the people around you. Because sometimes, nothing is more important than the truth and the truth is I love what I do no matter how many criticize. There are always three sides to every story - your side, the other person's side and the true side.

When someone we love makes a mistake, we find a way to forgive them. Because no matter what they did we still love them and we still want them in our lives. Because when we love someone, we don't judge them, we just want them to be happy. But it’s so weird that if someone we hate makes the same mistake, we leave no chance of criticizing them either in front of them or behind them. People who criticize are often the same one’s who just can’t get ahead in their life. So hating people who hate is nothing wrong. I am not saying that hating people is great, I am saying that it is completely okay for few people to hate you for no apparent reason. You probably can't please everyone in this world. So you need to find a way to make peace with it. Also, lets be honest with ourselves here and accept that even we hate some people and we don't know why. So may be letting go of the hate is not as easy as we thought. There are so many different people in this people, it’s only natural that we are bound get repulsed by some.

The most important thing is to be able to differentiate between the people who want your good and the people who will do anything to bring you down.

P.S: I don’t know why the hell I’m writing this one.


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