Being a Dreamer

There was a phase in my life where I never used to skip a day writing the diary. Somewhere by the end of a hard day, I sit down with my diary open and scribble the things that happened always made my day. I used to write about my friends, my new songs that I had been practicing and recorded, my new blogs or an idea to my next novel, no matter what I did I used to pen it down but years later, due to various reasons I stopped writing my diaries.

I had given up my diary writing fearing for various reasons. I take my old diaries out and read them one by one, there were so many memories both good and bad, and it took me exactly to those days when I read something. I still curse myself for leaving my dairy writing for those various reason but I feel that I could have still held on to it for that one reason- passion.

Almost everyone of my friends travel almost two hours to their office and sit before a computer and do a job that they least love. By end of each day they come home cursing life instead of cursing themselves for the way they live their life. Living in a corporate world, Life for them has changed to survival than living.

They earn big bucks which hide their passion. Happiness has changed from doing what you love to doing what pays you well. Buying a new I phone might be happiness but when you don’t have anyone to speak with is something that people forget off.

Money is of prime importance and yes money can buy you happiness when you book tickets for your next vacation, those five star hotel rooms, luxury buffets and expensive rides but when you die, these things never come to your mind. Everything that you remember during your final days never deals with your money. Memories can be made with people and not with things.

When I told my family and friends that I wanted to become a writer the first thing that they said was, “Have you gone nuts, you do engineering and get into an MNC and make your life happy.” Everyone around me told that you couldn’t be happy and told me to have my dreams as a backup plan. When you dream something and do that its happiness but when you do something and you had to like it since it pays you big money it’s just assumption.

You can assume yourself to be happy and cheat yourself over a period of time but when you sit down and when your hair has grown white and your skin has shrunk, you would realise that you had wasted your life. You would have money beside you but that wouldn’t be something that you need by then.

I don’t know how many people do this- go to office, switch on your computer screen and dream about places that you would rather be. If you are one of those then you are a Dreamer as me.

Sometimes in life you just have to take a leap of faith and believe that you can go where you wish to.


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