Break break ups

One of the most common things that you could hear now-a-days from young teens is Break up. People think they are falling in love and when they come to know that they haven’t exactly fallen in love they break up. Break up’s are increasing from day to day just for the only reason that Love can be found in abundance. When a person thinks that he/ she is not suited for them, then try to drift apart rather trying to understand each other’s differences and try to overcome them. When people Love, then there are no room for break-up, the problem is they think they Love and that makes the life more insecure than ever.

Attraction, Infatuation, Crush, Love, all these terms sound so familiar, right?

There are many people who now a days have made a joke of love and relationships, they just use the person for entertainment and then ditch him/her. If you are truly feeling the so called feeling LOVE for someone, even the mere thought of leaving the person or going for another one never comes in mind. When you love someone, you can never tolerate them crying, you can never see them sad or tensed; can you? If we have such pure emotions then why can’t a pure love exist for another person? Why people ditch and leave and break up?

Every relationship has problem, life isn’t a bed of roses, everyone feel disheartened at some point in their life, but is break up the only solution for that? Break up is something that can leave a scar on a person’s heart and like a wound that cannot healed easily.

One of the most common reasons for break ups are like Cheating, Lack of attention, Jealousy, Possessiveness and insecurity. People say they broke up coz their partner wasn’t loyal enough, ever wondered why they are so, that’s because they weren’t in a serious relationship. It’s their own mind-set and their own thoughts that provoke them to cheat, if people had time to think and cheat you then sure that they must have time to sit, plan and make their love reach you, People break up of choices not by without chances.

Sometimes just a mere sorry can save lot of relationships but people are too egoistic to tell that. When someone feels superior over the other, problems erupts. Relationships is one of the trickiest thing but it so simply when it’s transparent.

If you can express yourself well then you can expect your relationship to be better than a million, because break up’s mostly happen because of lack of expression and communication.

Before you could break up just remember this, 

            Die with your loved ones beside you not just with their memories


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